Cornelius Angel, age 70 past, died last Saturday at
    the home of Mr.and Mrs.S.A.Browning, at Tollesboro,
    where he was boarding."Uncle Neal" was a familiar    
    figure around Vanceburg, where he lived, with the     
    exceptions of transitory stays at the Soldiers Home in
        Dayton, Oh, for more than thirty-five years or probably
         longer. He had the distinction of being one of the first as
    well as oldest men in matter of age, to enlist at the call
    of volunteers made by President McKinley at the out
    break of the Spanish-American War, being in the       
            company of the late Capt. Brewer of St.Paul, that
     intrepid veteran of both the Civil and the Spanish
    Wars. He was twiced married, and is survived
     by several children.   
             Interment at Black Oak Cemetery Monday by Under-
    taker Kimble.                                                                  


April 1930



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